Pmacs Site!

About Pmac.

Below are some About Me questions.

One of my Favorite things to do on my site?

No question, MAKING HEADERS AND LOGOS! That is just one of the things I love to do. If someone ordered 100 headers and would be more than happy to make them all!

When did I first start Club Penguin?

Couple years ago. November 2006 to be exact. My friend told me about it one day and ever since the first day I logged on with Pmacjr ( Old Penguin thats Banned Forever) I have been hocked to Club Penguin. Lol but not as much as before.

More about Pmacjr?

Good times with Pmacjr. I didnt make any vids or blogs with him but it was a lot of fun! I will always remember the month March 2007 when he got hacked and banned forever.

Best friends on Club Penguin?

Many good friends. Yo Yo 566, Cyril Kong, Lyn6, Tundee, Finflipper90, Connora, Ziek93, and lots lots more!

My first ever pin?

Its a somewhat rare pin that Pmacjr had. The Lifering. Which the Lifeguards use.

Why Pmac for a name?

Its really my Nickname in real life! But really it is spelled like P-Mac. But since CP doesnt let you but any other kinda things in your name I Couldnt do that.

When did I first start the Blogging and Video Making?

I really dont remember when I started. I think like January 2008. I always remember I would go on CP saying search my vids! But that was when not many people knew who I was. Then one of my first friends came up to me and danced next to me. Lyn6. Thats when I met more and more friends as it went on. And most of them I didnt even think I would become great friends with. But later I did!

Was this my 1st site?

Nope. My first site was on, Its the same name as this blog but just with next to me. Good times with that other site. But in other ways it was a HUGE WRECK!

Where do I live?

I will only say I live in the United States and in New England. Many of my friends know what state but I dont want to say it here.

Where to find me?

If im just hanging around, Mammoth, Frozen, or Iceland. But for taking pics for my Site or making vids, any random server. Lol.

How old am I?

13 and almost 14. For some you might think that is old for Club Penguin, Yes it is. Its made for like 12 year olds and under. But I just cant get over it though. Many other people on CP are 13 though. My birthday is September 24th.

Anything else?

Not at the momment. Just that on Youtube I am in a group called YCP with Yo Yo 566 and Cyril Kong! Check out our videos on YCP’s Videos page. Oh and my AIM is Pmac924 so yeah.

3 Responses to "About Pmac."

=O =`( not mwe? =(

maybe there should be more ycps

go on and find me im on husky!!

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